Liquid Gold Bond System

Liquid Gold Bond System
Lloneau Liquid Gold. Lloneau Liquid Gold Bonding Glue, Lloneau Liquid Gold Bond Remover, Lloneau Liquid Gold Bond Sealer, Lloneau Liquid Gold Shampoo, Lloneau Liquid Gold After Shampoo Leave In Conditioner. #1 Choice for bonding system.

Liquid Gold contains no water, and contains no latex, does not smell like ammonia or formaldehyde and does not pose an allergic reaction. This is why it works so much better, and can be used in so many more ways. Dries clear not BLACK or WHITE. Liquid Gold is clear, and dries clear or INVISIBLE. All other brands when dry appear white or black next to the scalp and resemble dandruff. DO OFF TRACT INVISIBLE BONDING…Because Liquid Gold dries clear and it can also be used for bonding OFF THE WEFT. (See instruction sheet for complete easy to do details.) This procedure cannot be done with any other bonding products. Liquid Gold never has to be reapplied due to drying (all of the others have to be bonded quickly before it dries), and will stay on 3 or more shampoos. In fact, Liquid Gold will bond after 5 minutes of applying Liquid Gold bonds up to 5 times stronger, and last 5 times longer than the other brands due to this special formula that allows you to use it in conjunction with thermo heat (an ordinary curling iron). See instruction sheet. Because of the uniqueness of Liquid Gold, when compared with all of the other bonding products, mainly that the weft and the scalp hair are bonded after a short drying time (3-5) you can also do BOND FUSING without the need of expensive, sometimes dangerous equipment (see instructions) BOND FUSING is useful for braids, extensions, duck tails or contrasting colors for streaks, tips or frosting. And will stay on indefinitely. Liquid Gold is much easier, faster and safer to remove than other brands, even though it bonds much stronger. This is because the Liquid Gold Dissolver dissolves the bond instead of just making it wet with oil base solutions that will remove the weft, but leave most of the bonding glue clinging to the natural hair in a pasty, sticky form. This cause hair breakage when you attempt to remove it by repeated combing. Due to the fact that Liquid Gold Bonding system bonds so much stronger, only Liquid Gold Dissolver will remove Liquid Gold Bonder. This remover will also safely dissolve and remove other brands of bonding glue, however other brands will not remove the Liquid Gold Bond. All hair should be shampooed prior to bonding in order to remove any oils, wax or greasy buildup on the hair. HOWEVER, NO after shampoo conditioners, should be applied to the hair such as balsam, Cream Rinse, etc. Because these types of products will deposit a thin layer of oil residue back on the hair that will cause a weak bond. The reason is because you will be bonding to the conditioner and not the hair. Liquid Gold 5 in 1 Leave N Conditioner is applied after the bonding is completed. It will relieve dry hair and scalp; maintain a healthy appearance even more beneficial than a cream Rinse or Balsam. It will also allow the natural & added hair to blend to appear to be of the same texture. The exclusive Liquid Gold Bond Sealer that can be applied with a tint applicator brush will help keep oil and moisture away from the bonded area for an even longer lasting bond. However without the sealer, Liquid Gold will still stay on up to 5 times longer than other brands.

Liquid Gold Extra Super Bonding Brush On Adhesive
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Liquid Gold Leave In Conditioner 8oz
Liquid Gold Bond Dissolver
Liquid Gold Special Cleansing Shampoo 8oz
Liquid Gold Bond Sealer 8oz
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