OPTIMUM AMLA Legend by Soft Sheen Carson

Optimum Omla Legend
Experience the power of legendary Indian beauty secret AMLA OIL. Derived from the Amla Superfruit, Amla renowned for it's natural rejuvenating properties, providing intense nourishment and conditioning to damged hair.

Soft Sheen Carson OPTIMUM AMLA Legend Rejuvenating Oil 5oz
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Soft Sheen Carson OPTIMUM AMLA Legend No-Mix, No-Lye Relaxer
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Soft Sheen Carson OPTIMUM AMLA Legend Billion Hair Potion 1.9oz
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Soft Sheen Carson OPTIMUM AMLA Legend Body Filler Hair Cream 8.5oz
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Soft Sheen Carson OPTIMUM AMLA Legend Body Filler Hair Wash 13.5oz
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Soft Sheen Carson OPTIMUM AMLA Legend Damage Antidote Oil Moisturzer 8.5oz
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Soft Sheen Carson OPTIMUM AMLA Legend 1001 Oils Cream Night Wrap 4oz
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